2. Do not do any nailings
3. Do not move your bed especially for the pregnant lady
4. Do not move furnitures or renovate your house
1. Do not touch other people’s baby or your baby will be “jealous”
Pregger Lady’s Mood
1. Always remain calm no matter how bad mood you are. As this affects your future baby’s characters. The more moody/sad etc you are, the more your baby will reflect the mood that you are having now
1. Do not eat bananas as it causes constipation
2. Do not eat too much papayas. Although it eases constipation during pregnancy it should only be eaten moderately. Try prunes and dates instead.
3. Do not drink coffee as it can cause your baby to have dark skin. :P
4. Do not eat sambal or other hot chilly dishes as your baby may have sensitive skin later on
5. Do not eat pineapple or anything containing pineapples
This is pretty much during the confinement period
1. Do not use water that is not boiled to wash your hands etc.
2. As much as possible, do not touch too much water as it can cause arthritis in the later days of your life
3. Do not wash your hair for 30 days as it can cause headache later on in life